If your preferred language is English, in this page we will give you some hints of browsing and shoping in our website in English, explained by your device:

Shop alteisa.com in Google Chrome via computer

  1. Install the Google Translate extension in your browser using this link: Google Translate in Chrome Web Store
  2. Once the installation is completed, you will find the extension icon in the top far-right of the browser window, or by clicking in the puzzle piece.
  3. Click on the Google Translate icon.
  4. Click on Translate this page.

Shop alteisa.com in Mozilla Firefox via computer

Coming soon...

Shop alteisa.com in Safari via Apple device

Follow these steps provided by this article:

  1. Launch Safari on your device, then visit alteisa.com and watch for the address bar to indicate that a translation is available.
  2. Tap the aA button in the far-left of the address bar, then select Translate to [Language] in the dropdown menu. If you don't see the option, the webpage either isn't compatible with Safari's translation feature or the language isn't supported.
  3. Tap Enable Translation in the prompt if required.
  4. To view the original non-translated webpage, select View Original in the address bar options panel. You also have the option to Report Translation Issue if you see one.

Shop alteisa.com in Google Chrome via Android device

  1. Launch Google Chrome on your device, then visit alteisa.com.
  2. Tap the three dots icon in the top bar, then select Translate.
  3. The site is now translated to English.

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